Measuring Guide
Guide on how to measure for blinds
Recess Measurement
Select this option when you would like your roller blind to fit within the window recess.

Recess Width
Take 3 measurements for the width of the window recess as shown in the picture.
Take the smallest of these measurements. This is your recess width.
We will make the necessary deductions for the mechanisms, brackets and clearance to ensure the blind operates within the window recess.
Please note that the actual fabric will be approximately 3-4cm narrower than the recess width depending on the blind ordered. See diagram C below.
Recess Drop
Take 3 measurements for the drop of the window recess as shown in the picture.
Take the smallest of these measurements.
This is your recess drop.
Exact Blind Measurement
Select this option when you would like your roller blind to fit outside the window recess.
Exact Blind Width (also known as pin width or finished blind width)
Decide how much you wish to overlap the recess at each side. We recommend at least 7.5cm each side to minimise as much external light as possible
Take the overall width measurement including the overlap. This is the Exact Blind Width.
Note: This width includes the mechanism of the blind and is not the width of the cloth. See diagram C below
Exact Blind Drop
Decide how much you wish to overlap the recess at the top & bottom. We recommend at least 7.5cm at the top, if the blind is required to roll up fully above the window recess.
Take the overall drop measurement including the overlap. This is your Exact Blind Drop.
Cloth Measurement
Select this option when the cloth size on the roller blind is important.

Cloth Width
Measure the width that you require the blind cloth to be.
The full width of the blind when the fittings are applied will be wider than the cloth width. See the diagram.
Cloth Drop
Take the overall drop. This is the same as the Exact Blind Drop.
Decide how much you wish to overlap the recess at the top & bottom. We recommend at least 7.5cm at the top, if the blind is required to roll up fully above the window recess.
Take the overall drop measurement including the overlap. This is your Exact Blind Drop.
Measuring for Bay Windows
When you measure a bay window for blinds, you will need to take into consideration the depth of the headrail of the blind as well as anything that protrudes from the window such as large window handles or air vents.
Once you have decided on the type of blind you wish to fit into the bay, then check on the chart below and make a note of the size of the headrail depth.
How to Measure a Square Bay Window for Blinds
Square bay windows are much easier to measure as you will only need to measure the straight sides of the bay.
When ordering blinds for a square or splay bay window, they must be ordered as RECESS blinds.

- Measure out from the window the largest obstruction, then add on the measurement of headrail depth as shown on the coloured HEADRAIL CHART above. Mark the wall or ceiling with this measurement out from Window B. This will give you the fitting position for the blind.
- Now measure A from where you want your blind to start in the bay to the mark showing the depth the blind will need to be fitted from the wall and make a note.
- Measure window B and C as shown above, again having marked the wall with the fitting position of the blind before you measure.

Your blinds should fit in the position as shown above.
How to Measure an Open, Splay Bay or Angled Bay Window for Blinds
For these types of bay windows you will need to create cardboard cut-outs to help to determine the angle of the window.

How to Create Your Cardboard Cut-out

- First measure the largest of any of the window handles, air vents or other obstructions that the blind will need to clear when it is fitted into the bay and make this measurement A.
- Refer to the coloured HEAD RAIL CHART and make a note of the depth of the headrail of the particular blind you have chosen and make this measurement B.
So for example, if you need to allow 3 cms for a particular window handle A. and you have chosen to fit a roller blind that has a headrail depth of 4.8cms B. then the total length of your template will be
A = 3cms + B = 4.8cms which gives a total length of card of 7.8cms.
You will need 2 of these cut-outs
Positioning Your Cardboard Cut-outs

- Place the cut-outs in one of the angles of the window with the front tips touching.
- Mark the point where the tips touch with a pencil.
- Repeat this step in every angle of the bay.
- These marks are the position you measure for the size of your bay window blind.
- When you order your blinds, it is important that you order EXACT blinds.
How To Measure a Closed Splay Bay or Angled Bay Window For Blinds.
- Measure all the windows as above, apart from the last window each side of the bay which finishes with the wall.
- Measure each side from the last mark you made with the templates to the start of the wall.
- Order these last two blinds as RECESS blinds, but all the other blinds as EXACT blinds.
Choosing a Bay Window Blind
Now that you have your bay window measurements and the number of sides, you can decide on the type of blinds you wish to fit in your bay.
Click on the links below to visit our shop to see the various types of blinds that are suitable to fit in straight sided bay window.
Made to Measure Vertical Blinds are the only type of blind that can fit in a curved bay window.